Sunday 30 December 2012

Jack Reacher


                Well,on 26/12/2012 I went to watch Jack Reacher,another movie of my Baby Tom..As usual my Baby Tom always make me stunning with his acting.Such a cool and damn hot spy..

                But yeahh this time,I have to admit it that it was not as awesome as Ghost Protocol.Somehow, Baby Tom was still the best actor with unexpected action.That one,I really have to admit it. :)

p/s : hey,26/12/2012,a year after I watched Ghost Protocol which was on 26/12/2011..huhh terserlah chemistry aku dengan Baby Tom. ^^..haha.

Monday 24 December 2012

The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey


       Tadi I went to watch The Hobbit.Seriously,Peter Jackson never fail to produce an awesome-to-watch movie.His new movie was just so outstanding.Memang aku bagi five star ahh.But it would be more fun if I could watch this movie with Chaa.

        At first memang dah plan nak keluar dgn Chaa but what to do.Chaa got tied down to work.So kena lhaa tengok alone. T_T..But somehow I enjoyed the movie very much.For the first time,I manage to get seated at the centre.So memang screen tu gua yang punya ahh.. ^_^

        Whatever it is,Bilbo Baggins,The Dwarves and Gandalf The Grey just make out a perfect team. >..<..

p/s : Can't wait for the next two sequel on 2013 and 2014..