Monday, 28 January 2013

Cerita Phobia Aku

Okay kawan-kawan, hari ni kitaa nk citaa dekat kawan-kawan pasal topik phobia.As we all know. there's like thousands type of phobia. Korang semua mesti ada phobia masing-masing kan.So aku pun nak share lil bit about phobia aku laa. :)

  • Androphobia (Fear Of Men)
          okay,agak malu gua di situ..haha.I mentioned this already in my previous entry.FYI, aku kalau jalan depan lelaki memang aku gabra habis la.For some unknown reason,aku jadi awkward gila.Semua jadi serba tak kena.Padahal laki tu tak usha aku pun,tapi dia jadi macam nervous tau.My legs and body start shaking. Sebab tu kalau aku pergi ke mana-mana kedai and the cashier happened to be a guy,aku takkan pegi beli punya.Aku sanggup bertekak dengan abang aku suruh dia yang pegi.Korang tau tempat mana yang paling aku tak suka pegi? Kedai Burger.That's it.18 tahun aku hidup ni,tak pena sekali pun aku pegi beli burger dekat gerai burger.Tapi kalau untuk lelaki yang kategori umurnya dah taraf bapak aku dah pun tadak la sampai nak nervous semacam.Tu dah gilaa namanya. My phobia is not that heavy.

  • Anthropophobia ( Fear of People or Society)
         Hat ni pun aku da pena mention dlm entry lepas. Hmphh, okay I'm a middle-anthrophobia. I mean, I love crowd but not too much.You know I'm havin kinda like uneasy feeling bila berdepan dengan masyarakat ni. Dunno how to make the explanation. Aku bukan lah yang jenis senang nak mix dengan society ni. There's only certain person yang aku memang boleh mix. And kalau orang tu happened to be someone yang aku tak kenal, aku akan buat muka ni (-"'-)..I don't feel like smiling or anything.That is why most people yang dah kenal aku confirm akan cakap macam ni  'At first tengok hang,seriously takut nak tegoq sebab muka hang nampak macam orang sombong gila'.. Well aku bukan sombong cuma, I'm not that easy-going person.Kalau kau nak cakap dengan aku, kau yang kena start dulu.Okay...Tapi bila dah nak masuk 18 ni,kena-kena lahh belajar untuk mesra dengan orang.Kalau tak, masuk IPT nanti, kero sumbanglahh kau Nadd.. -,- Shirooo!!!

  • Aphenphosmphobia- (Fear of being touched.)
          Funny kan (-''''-)..Aku pun tak tahu kenapa.Tapi badan aku memang sensitive bila bab touching-touching ni.. Kalau aku tengah pejam mata then ada orang nak datang pegang aku,automatically,mata aku akan terbuka.Ada serasa macam viber tau tak..Bila tangan somebody tu dah macam seinci lagi nak pegang aku,kulit aku akan rasa tickling semacam..Kinda like send a vibration to me.Chaa Ishak pena cakap 'Alah sikit-sikit geli, nanti kalau once you have a husband,macam mana?'..Well I dunno.haha :p 

  • Bufonophobia- (Fear of toads)
           Ermm,yang ni aku rasa almost girls ada phobia ni..Tell me,who's not being afraid of toad.Like double triple yuckss okay.Like seriously aku tak boleh tengok benda alah yang duk melompat tu.With its slimy skin. Gross -,-...

  • Dromophobia- (Fear of crossing streets)
          Nampak tak keganjilannya disitu..Well frankly,memang aku takut nak lintas jalan.Dulu time aku kecik, aku rock..Sikit pun tak endah.But starting form 1 aku dah mula takut nak lintas jalan..I were once being scolded by 'pak cik lalu lintas tu'..Seriously malu kott.Dah la depan orang ramai.Since that day, aku dah jadi fobia nak lintas jalan..Kalau nak lintas ja,aku mesti ada orang teman aku or else memang tak laa jawabnya. My parents often sarcasm me by saying 'Kalau jalan depan sekolah pun takut nak lintas,macam mana nak pi Korea nanti?.Time tu bukan ada orang teman'.. Response aku : (-''''-).

  • Gatophobia- (Fear of cats)
           I'm chronic..Aku memang tak boleh dengan kucing.Geli kot..Well kalau cakap pasal kucing ni of course dekat restoran memang tempat kucing kan.Bapak aku siap bagi gelaran kat aku 'Tom the Cat'..Why? Sebab pegilah mana restoran sekalipun,mesti akan ada kucing yang datang and setiap kali kucing datang, parents aku mesti macam 'Tu bala tentera Nadia dah datang'..haha  but to make it worse, spot dia slalu nak landing is bawah kerusi aku..Aku yang sememangnya pantang dengan kucing ni secara automatically angkat kaki naik atas kerusi..Bila dah selalu jadi macam tu,so it's kinda like habit..Sekarang ni tiap kali pegi makan,even there's no cat at all,aku akan tetap bersila atas kerusi..Anak Melayu sejati laa katakan.Benda yang paling aku tak boleh lupa, once aku pegi makan dekat restoran xxxxxxx..(nama dirahsiakan untuk menjaga reputasi restoran tu)..Setiap meja kt situ,diorang letak table cloth.Kfinee la.And all of sudden aku rasa macam sejuk ja bawah kaki aku ni,spontaneously aku lompat.Then I checked what lies under the table.I saw a cat..Time tu aku dah mula bangun mendadak dari kerusi dah. I saw something hanging within its mouth.At first aku ingat ikan..But it wasn't.You know what, kucing tu gonggong tikus! Like triple gross.Aku time tu dah macam nak pitam dah..Melompat aku sambil jerit..Memang tak boleh control langsung..Time tu kira lantak pi lahh apa orang kat situ nak pikir pasal aku.They weren't in my shoes.And benda tu lahh yang buat aku lagi fobia tahap cipan punya dekat kucing.Till forever and ever and ever aku takkan pena suka kucing...

  • Sitiophobia- (Fear of food or eating)
          I used to be Sitiphobia..I even went on a strict diet sampai aku dapat gastric.Boleh dikata dulu aku makan before 4 PM jaa.After that,no food allowed.Even aku lapar macam mana sekali pun,aku akan tahan.. Mama aku dia pattern orang yang tak boleh kalau anak dia tak makan nasi.Dia akan paksa jugak makan. Kata mama, kalau tak makan nasi tadak tenaga..Time tu macam-macam alasan aku bagi sebab nak elak makan nasi sampai at one stage,perut aku mula tak selesa..Rasa nak muntah.Kepala pening and aku cepat mengantuk..Tapi aku gagah jugak nak diet.Sampai berat aku turun 5kg tak sampai sebulan..Great progression..Aku memang happy gila.Tapi tu lahh macam mana cepatnya turun, macam tu lahh cepatnya I gain my weight back.Aku makan lebih sikit dalam sehari ja, berat aku naik terus..Then makin lama aku notice, even strict macam mana pun diet aku,berat aku maintain ja.Tak turun and tak naik..Lepas tu aku dah serik ikat perut. -,-...Apa pun tak dapat.So right now,aku tengah practise on a healthy diet. :). To you olls' jangan buang masa nak diet bagai.Just have a balance diet and some exercise..Make your body happy ^^

  • Telephonophobia - ( Fear of telephone)
          Last but not least, benda yang selalu aku mention.Macam pelik kan,fobia telefon but that's me.. Setiap kali ada call masuk phone aku or phone rumah, jantung aku confirm akan berdegup kencang.Then akan jadi nervous semacam..Lepas tu kena tengok number sapa yang masuk.Kenal ka tak.And to tell you the truth, even orang yang aku kenal pun aku takkan terus angkat.Pegang phone dulu and fikir whether nak angkat ka tak..Tu taraa orang yang aku kenal.Yang tak? Pandai-pandai pikirlahh..Last sekali, missed call. Teruk kan aku -,-!

Well tu antara phobia yang aku ada laa..Saja nak share kat blog aku. :)

p/s : Aku rasa aku dah boleh terbitkan sekuel Phobia laa...Phobia 5.Coming soon.hahahaha *buat muka evil*


Friday, 25 January 2013

Double Sad.

I really want this shoes. I even wait for my first salary just to buy the shoes. Only last Sunday I went to Nose and tried on this shoes.But on that time I hadn't have enough money to purchase the shoes since I was lil bit skint then.

Bila dah ada duit, aku jadi excited gilaa nk pegi beli kasut tu semalam.. It has only been three days since I tried out the shoes but you know what, the shoes, it was already


Like double No! No! No...I was so disappointed you know. I mean, I really love this shoes. It's very unique with those spikes around it. If you all noticed kan, time selalunya you olls' ada duit, benda yang you nak mesti tak ada or susah nak cari tapi bila time you olls' dah broke, time tu laa selalunya banyak benda yang memang you really craves for tu ada..Time tu lah memang rasa macam 'OhGodd,kenapa aku tadak duit'.. Kan.Kan..Well same things happened to me. -,-.

p/s : What to do,dah bukan rezeki.  

Monday, 21 January 2013

Happy FriDate

18/01/2013...I had a FriDate with the Love..Chaa Ishak.Well since Eisya is working now,so kena tunggu dia cuti baru boleh keluar.Aku anytime..Just tell me date and place,I'll be there :) Okie dokie. This time, we only had a meals at Domino's and I accompanied her main bowling..So let's us go through the picture okay

Like seriously,aku nampak macam mak yang duk tunggu
anak dia balik tadika ja -,-.

Look at this budak .Chaa Ishak.Duk buat comel pulak.haha
Credit to me.I'm very talented right :)

Actually buku tu was not more than just a props..Haha

And these are the pictures of both of us.Terserlah ke'over'an lightingnya..Haha

I did snap a picture of Chaa Ishak time main bowling but she deleted it as she said 'tak cantik'.. -,-.. But there was a thing happened time kteorg main bowling.Guess what, Abang Comel aku yang jaga counter. I'm not trying to be suck but when I looked closer,I just realised that I actually asked myself, 'macam mana aku boleh gilaa kat mamat ni?'.. He's totally different..Chaa Ishak even said to me, 'Hang ni tadak taste la Nad'.. Well it wasn't my fault la.It just my eyes deceive me..But well who am I to judge people.It's not my right to criticize people.

But that's not the point.Whatever it is, keluar laa mana pun.As long as there's Chaa Ishak..Gloomy day can turn into one happy day :). 

p/s : Chaa Ishak,nanti dah dapat gaji, belanja la aku makan McD nahh. >..<

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Bad ni suka buat aku macam ni.Tak pernah nak hargai aku langsung.Sampai hati  Bad buat aku macam ni padahal aku sayang hang tau tak..Aku sayang hang sepenuh jiwa raga aku. Kenapa hang buat aku macam ni? Tell me.Why? Kenapa hang tak adil dengan aku. T_T.. 

5 tahun aku dengan hang Bad.5 tahun aku hidup berbakti untuk hang. Tapi aku tak sangka susu dibalas dengan tuba..haihh. Ini berkaitan masa depan aku Bad.Hang tak boleh buat aku macam ni.Memang la orang kata semua ni tadak apa sangat, tapi bagi aku this things matters! Sebab hang, masa depan aku dah tak berapa nak nampak cerah dah.hurhh..

Bad,selama ni aku hidup berkorban untuk hang.Setiap hari aku jumpa hang.Aku bagi seluruh jiwa dan cinta aku untuk hang tapi aku tak sangka semua tu tak bermakna untuk hang.Apa lagi yang hang nak? Tak cukup ka kasih sayang aku yang tak berbelah bagi untuk hang?Cakap Bad.Cakap....

Tell me now, takkan hang tadak sekelumit pun rasa sayang hang untuk aku?. Hang tak boleh nampak ka betapa besar dan agungnya cinta aku untuk hang.Takkan hang tak boleh nak sayang aku even sedikit. Enough Bad, don't torture me anymore.Aku perlukan sedikit ja simpati hang supaya masa depan aku lebih terjamin..

Kenapa hang tak nampak kasih sayang aku? Kenapa hang lebih suka memihak pada yang salah. Apa aku tak pernah ada dalam kamus kehidupan hang Bad. Hang ingat Bad, 5 tahun aku setia dengan hang Bad.. It's not a short time and terus terang aku nak cakap dekat hang yang


Kau nampak tak Bad? Aku bold kan merah lagi..Aku tau even aku merayu macam mana pun,aku takkan dapat markah yang lebih tinggi.I just wish I pass my spm with flying colours result.Tu ja harapan aku sekarang and for my CGPA grade.Please be nicee to me. Jangan jadi macam MR KOKO.. 

p/s : Bad tolong laa aku demi masa depan aku..

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Soft Spot of Me

Hmphh I guess today, I should make out some revelation.Actually I want to talk about something sort of like the-most-shameful-revelation-of-me.hee.People said you shouldn't be too open about yourself.People could take total advantage of you.But it seems doesn't matter to me.I know myself better kann.

Okay stop babbling.Haha..Each of us,we've got our own weaknesses kan.So I am..

Okay being frank :-
  • I'm an anthropophobia means fear of people and society.I'm feeling like bloody awkward bila jalan dekat public.Kau rasa macam semua orang duk usha kau.Mengutuk kau.Padahal orang tak cakap apa pun..It's just my feelings. Benda ni jugak laa yang menyusahkan aku bila aku perlu nak berurusan dengan anybody especially urusan rasmi. Susah ohh.Bila aku dah nervous then I'll start to ask some bloody stupid questions.Macam last day aku pergi amek test computer untuk driving license.Usually aku pergi dengan mama aku untuk sebarang urusan rasmi but on that day mama cakap. 'You are now a grown up girl.So learn to do it by yourself'..Bila mama dah kata macam tu,perut aku dah macam nak terburai dah and hell nervous punya pasal, kau tau aku tanya apa? 'Bang,buat test computer kat sini ka'..*bunyi cengkerik*...I just spoiled it up.Dah memang sah-sah orang pergi situ nak buat test computer yang kau pegi tanya lagi tu buat apa? See aku dah cakap...Aku memang jenis cepat gabra punya orang.

  • I'm not really confident in myself when I'm having a conversation with others.Pernah tak korang cakap then korang rasa macam 'eh,orang ni mesti bosan kan cakap dengan aku'.I'm putting like so much effort on it okay..

  • Ni lagi satu hal,I'm a completely telephonophobia.Seriously chronic punya phobia laa.Korang boleh bayang tak,kalau ada call masuk phone aku,aku akan fikir like two to three times whether to pick it up or not even orang tu kadang-kadang someone yang aku kenal. Aku hanya boleh pick up the phone instantaneously bila mama,daddy and abang aku ja yang call.weirdo me.Aku tak boleh nak imagine macam mana if someday I have a boyfriend -,-.Actually bukan apa,aku bukan jenis orang yang relax. Bila otp ja I'm stiffen.Tak tau nak cakap apa.Sometimes bila masalah sound trouble aku datang, I'd be like haa?apadia kau cakap?..

  • Aku bukan lah seorang yang yakin pada diri aku.Bila cakap kat orang aku pandai.Have faith in yourself.Be yourself tapi when it comes to me.Aku macam err...Sorry I just can't be myself. FYI,aku kalau kt dalam public I'm totally not really me.Kenapakah? Sebab bila dalam crowd I'm totally a fake. Get dressed up, do a kitty-walk and fake your face..I won't smile even a bit.Completely a mess right. Yeahh shameful me.Orang mesti macam what's up dengan perempuan ni but hello aku takut okay. That's the only way to boost up my confidence level.

Sebab tu laa aku request for a boyfriend yang boleh kenal aku dan faham aku in and out.Frankly selama 18 tahun aku hidup ni,I've never had the experience of being in love with someone.But falling in love tu dah banyak kali la tp aku jea la yang duk terjatuh.Orang tu steady ja.Sikit pun tak get affected.haha.Okay not really a big stuff. It doesn't really matter kan. In fact,you can't expect when you are going to be in love.

Another fact is I don't really like to be bound to any commitment.It's just troublesome.Sebab sampai sekarang I still couldn't free myself from this one bloody statement which is :

Guys are just all the same.Pantang nampak perempuan cantik.

Well aku tak boleh completely nak blame the guys.We girls we are also the same.But we're just happened to  be more faith and loyal when we're in relationship. :) 

So,I'm really looking forward to a guy yang boleh accept segala kelemahan aku. Dia boleh terima that I'm not that pretty as Fazura or ada dimples macam Wawa Zainal or having kulit putih melepak like Adira..I don't even have the skinny figure like Hanis Zalikha.I'm short not tall.5ft 1inch.Is that clear? Kita selalu dengar,lelaki suka dengan perempuan yang yakin dengan diri dia sendiri.But sorry to say that kind of girl just not happened to be me.

I want a guy that would say 'It's okay.To me,you're just perfect the way you are'..tapi adakah lelaki seperti itu? masih wujudkah? entahlahh

p/s : I may be not that perfect but at least I'm not a fake.Instead, I'm tryin to be the best of me :) 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Found A Perfect Job Maybe?

Freelance photographer..This is my next wish besides the arts.Well with this career,seriously my dream is about to appear to be true.Imagine it,working with a tourism magazine, where each of the month you'll get an assignment asking you to go to this or that place and capture some eye-catching images of the place..

Oh I'd love to do that..Kill two birds with one stone.Work comes alongside a vacation..Well to tell you, it has been my dream since I was kid to go travel all over the countries in this world and see the charming beauty of certain places.It is very mind-calming.

Seriously,I rather give up upon my addiction towards shopping.I'm just a nature lover.I'm not really into the crowded place type where you got stuck in the jammed.Have to stand in a long queue just to grab breakfast.No seat in the tube and have to stand all the way..Urghh that's just not my type.The bustling environment of the city is just like the sound of buzzing bees.Buat aku migrain ja.

 Everyday I wish I could escape to a very mind-calming place like a countryside in Swiss or maybe somewhere secluded place in Ireland or New Zealand.Captured by its breath-taking scenery.Imagine it, wake up in the morning in a beautiful cottage,listening to the sound of the breezy wind and you had your mind free from all the problems and people who keeps bugging you all the time.It is just you and nature.How lovely isn't it?

It has always been my dreams and I'll never stop dreaming until the day where my dreams appear to be true. :)

Three Strike

Nilah agaknya aku untuk hari ni kott..Haha.Gilaa

Amagadd..Amagaddd..Guess what.I think today was pretty interesting day for me.Tak sia-sia pergi Jusco tadi and tak sia-sia I decided just to have dinner at D'Bukit and not some other place in Penang. Actually nothing's really fun but I just met the unexpected one.hee

Well for today,I get almost three short-term heart-attack.Okay lemme tell you one by one of my so called short-term heart-attack.

  • First
Okay habis cuci mata kaki semua kat Jusco,I feel nature's call coming on so went to the loo (perlukah nak cerita semua ni ? -,-)..Lepas keluar toilet,alamakk nampak pulak cina comel lintas depan mata. I think he's maybe one of the Max Style,Jefferson or Sub Zero staff...Either three.Yeahh because no one would dress all black from head to toe.Tapi tak sempat catch.Jalan punya laa laju.Tapi I've managed to catch a glimpse of him.But one of our similarities is we exactly have the same way of walking.. ^^.What to do.Dah terlepas train express.Sokay laa.

  • Second
Hat ni memang sumpah terkejut gilaa la.I've never expect to see him again.My Abang Comel.It's almost six months since our last met. And kalau jumpa pun,selalunya jumpa kat tempat dia kerja.But,perhaps it was my luck kott..We coincidentally met at Jusco.Dah laa tadi tak habis lagi duk senyum pasal cina comel tu..All of sudden,he just appeared.Aku terkejut time dia tengok belakang tu.He was actually looking at me! I knew it,dia mesti kenal aku punya.Muka yang sama ja setiap hari Khamis yang duk tercongok kat tempat dia kerja tu.I was like frozen.But dia datang dengan baby dia la..So tapaa la.Aku tak kisah sangat.. :) Well happy memang happy sebab dia kenal aku but what can I say is,I used to like him.That's all..

  • Third
Ni memang ohmygucci laa..Time nak pergi makan tu,ada kereta Perdana nak masuk parking. From what I can see is he's a guy.Alone.But I don't really care.Biasa laa lelaki sorang yang drive kereta kan.Macam tak pernah tengok.But surprising,it turn out to be a ringer of Zain Hakimi..Kenapakah? Cara dia,gaya attractive even he just wearin' short and a tee.I dunno how to say it. But he looked amazing.Dah la hisap rokok elektrik.Nampak cool kott.But I wondered,what a guy like him doing at the restaurant,eating all alone.No company? hmphh gaduh dengan baby dia kott.Who cares..But seriously,the first time I lay my eyes on him..I was like..Stunning.He's just perfect for my eyes.

Well tu jaa la yang aku nak cakap pun.Haha..Confirm nampak macam aku ni perempuan over kan.Tak pandai control mata.Cerita pasal hal ni semua tanpa ada rasa segan.Tapi biarlah pendapat masing-masing. I know myself better than anyone else. :)

p/s : Three strike and I'm out.haha

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Twilight SAGA : Breaking Dawn Part II..(Another Date With Chaa Ishak)

Actually benda ni aku supposed to update sebulan setengah yang lepas because we went for a 'friend-date' on 28/11/2012 which is a day after SPM..But tu laa sibuk sangat berjalan sana sini so I've no time to update. I know this update is kinda like unnecessary but still I want to update it.Why? Because memories fade away but a photograph or writing lasts a lifetime :)

So we went to catch Breaking Dawn Part II where Bella and Edward own a daughter named Reneesme.The movie was quite interesting and catchy..Nak cakap awesome gilaa tu tak lahh.Just nicee one.

Omgee.Loo at the lil Reneesme.Sho cute ^^

So to tell the whole journey of our 'date' is pretty too much.Nanti buat muntah jaa..So I leave this task to my favourite assistant which are the pictures.But there's not much pictures taken.  :) Somehow assistant!...Begin.

This was when we were at burger king.At first macam tak tau nak makan apa..She asked me and I asked her back.haha..But at last we prefer Burger King since it has been ages tak makan Burger King.How pathetic -,-..

Well yeah that's me.Really comot one :)

Chaa Ishak..One thing about her - she has just a perfect smile

And last but not least, this picture was taken in Parkson..Actually it was pretty hard nak cari tempat yang tersembunyi..Time ni pun it was lil bit rushing sebab takut orang nampak.Haha..So the product pun not so clear laa kan.

Just one quick snapshot 

However it is,we really enjoyed the day..Biasa laa bila dah habis SPM memang rasa bebas laa. Goodbye to miserable days.

p/s : I found out rupanya Chaa Ishak tak reti duduk diam dalam panggung..Macam-macam pendapat dia pasal scene ni lahh,scene tu lahh..-,-..Nak tergelak pun ada.

Arts Lovers

Well in about two months, result SPM akan keluar.Seriously,aku nervous kott.But I hope I could get flying-colour result as I've been putting all my efforts in the exam. InsyaAllah.Amin..Somehow that's not the main point that I want to talk now..Actually today's main topic is about my future path.You know, college stuff.

Frankly speaking, I'm head over heels dengan course Interior Designer.Since I was kid, my interest in art is just so deep.But to make it worse,I'm not an expert in arts and I don't even have the talent or skills in arts.Memang fail..My only strength is my love towards art.That's all..

Recently,I just make a surveyed through the internet.Searching for Diploma in Interior Designer course offered in any government institute but there's only a few that offer this course and the place is quite limited. In other word, it is quite hard to enrol for this course.Kalau dekat IPTS memang bersepah course ni tp tu lahh the fees for 6 semester cost almost 30K..That's a lot.Unless you're a child to the CEO of petroleum company or your dad own a company that deal with import and export stuff. :).

Scholarship might help but they only provide it to the super-excellent student.That'll be a tough competition.-,-..Well nothing is easy in this world. That is why I must work hard to get a place in government institute. I really looking forward to this course.

The reason why I love this course is because I'm a free-spirited type of person.I don't really like to deal with a work that require you to stay in the office for hours and you have to follow the orders from your boss without having the chance to develop your ideas.It's pretty hard to tell.Senang cerita, I don't like being tied down to a work..Aku suka kerja yang mana I can use my imagination to the fullest.Expand my creativity and  ideas beyond the boundaries..Playing with colours and layout.It's just fantastic ^^

Now, I'm putting all my hope to this course.Like damn serious. :)

p/s : oh this is one of my 2013's wishlist :)

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

It is already 1/1/2013..So Hello 2013 and Goodbye 2012.We gonna miss you. :).Well usually bila dah masuk tahun baru, there'll also be a new year resolution but for me I don't think that I'd have one.Because life is very unexpected.We'll never expect what would happen to us after this.So let us just live the day the way we wanted it to be.Don't be afraid of anything and just do what you want to do.

Ahh forget.I'm now unofficially 18.How sweet kan..Dah 18 tahun hidup kat muka bumi Allah ni.. Alhamdulillah, aku masih sihat dan bernafas..Somehow, bila umur dah meningkat I've got to be more matured and more independent..That is one of the reason of why I hate growing up.No longer childish act, no more hanky panky. -,-..Sedih kan.But it's okay.Hukum Alam.Since it is new year so I'd love to make a wishlist.Hey the wishlist isn't a resolution okay.Resolution is more towards something that you like to change about yourself or your life but wishlist is something like yeahh wishes.Dreams and hope :) *panjang pulak explaination aku -,-.

So my wishlist for 2013 is :-
  • My life journey would flow well
  • for God to keep me healthy
  • My family and I would be havin more cheerful and better life.
  • I've a lot of time and money to shop at Forever 21 and MNG
  • I pass my SPM with flying-colour result.
  • I can choose the best course offered at the university so I don't have to go,hitting my head against the wall for choosing the wrong course.
                           and maybe
  • I have a super-dupper awesome love story  which bring me to my next wish ->
  •  A hot-looking guy who is a dead ringer of Erwan Heusaff or Jason Godfrey who drives Porsche Cayenne Turbo S ask me for a date by telling me that he's been watching me from a distance for quite sometimes and think that this might the perfect time to ask me for a date.haha..OhMyGodd.I do really wish that there's one out there >..< 
I guess that's all for now.If I've got any new wish,I'll update is later..hee :)

p/s : 2013, please be my lucky year ^^