Sunday, 17 February 2013

Officially 18.

Alhamdulillah..Pejam celik pejam celik, it has been 18 years.Dah 18 tahun aku hidup dekat muka bumi Allah ni. Syukur pada Tuhan, sepanjang 18 tahun ni, I've been through a lot of experience yang tak mungkin aku lupa..

Being 18 is such a new experience to me too. I'm no longer celebrating my birthday as a school student. Haha..Sebaliknya I'm now in a journey towards adulthood.Ooooohhhh.Nanak jadi owang besaq -,-.. But somehow we need to face it jugak kann. So my principe : Just Go With The Flow :)

Well thanks God for all the blessings you've bestowed on me.It's much much more than I deserve. Sometimes, I complained too much about my life. But I never realize,ada orang yang lagi susah daripada aku. Semua ni ajar aku satu benda untuk jangan sentiasa memandang mereka yang berada di atas sahaja instead take your time dan cuba lihat mereka yang hidup dalam kesusahan..Live in poverty. Kita sepatutnya bersyukur dengan apa yang Tuhan bagi. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya :)

Thanks people for the wishing. I love you ^^

Ni semua hadiah kitee..
Well bila dh masuk 18 ni, you'll not get presents that frequent
Somehow all the wishes still my best present of all :)

p/s : I hope my life journey would be smooth and more fun. InsyaAllah.Amin :)

Friday, 1 February 2013

Waste No Time

For now,I don't want to get attached to any boys because in my future life,I'm gonna meet a lot of people.So why should I want to waste my time?
Time is money

See the statement?..Well for now,that is my aim. :) Frankly aku rasa get attached to a boy ni macam suck ja.  Boys, they only know how to screw up your life.Okay no offence.Just my personal opinion.Right now apa yang aku nak kejar is only my dream and money.Don't forget cinta dari yang Maha Esa.

It's not like we're going to starve kalau tadak boyfriend kan. Aku ni 18 tahun tak pena ada pengalaman bercinta, hidup elok jaa. It just do not ever get used of yourself untuk tak boleh hidup tanpa lelaki, tak boleh duduk without morning text and tak boleh tidur without goodnight call. They are all crap. 

For me it's just lust..not more than that.Sometimes we are just afraid of being lonely.Tengok member yang lain semuanya ada boyfriend, selalu dapat morning text,selalu on the phone, selalu ada yang melayan. Tipu sangat kalau ada yang cakap, tak rasa jealous.Kalau kau rasa macam tu,baik kau pergi check kot ada yang tak kena dengan diri kau or kau ni memang yang jenis hati batu punya. Come on, we're all girls.

But just don't let the feelings overpower you.Trust me, it's just lust.Nothing more. Once you get to overcome it, you'll come to realize that all of these stuff are useless. Don't worry, it's not like you're goin to die.Okay :)

p/s : Trust me,God has a better plan for your life.