So gentleman this is my new blog..I have to make the new one because this super damn blogger has already delete my previous account.Hampeh toi.I mean dh banyak kot kisah suka duka aku dlm blog dulu.Lesap macam tu jaa.Bagai nak rak aku tulis,decorate..peh hilang.
I make a new account pun because whenever I feel sick about something,I do really need a space where I just can let out all the anger.At first,I thought of having a diary but yahh it just lasts for two days.I was so tired writing using bare hand.Macam nak tercabut.
And since I was likee hell desperate,so aku pun buad lah account baru aku ni.Tapi hampeh aku dh lupa everything.Tak ingat mcm mana nk edit blog dah.Merangkak gak laa aku nk buad.Terkial-kial tapi tapaa usaha tangga kejayaan :)