Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sundate With Twinnies

I had a Sundate with my beloved Twinnies Chaa Ishak and Elly Effendy. This is so-don't-know times date dengan Chaa my hunybee but first time dengan Elly for this year. I had so much fun with my crazy-mazy Twinnies. They really made my day.

Plan asal nak pegi Sunway untuk Karnival Masuk U and tengok movie but they suddenly changed the venue to USM.. Memang agak frustrated laa jugak sebab that was the originally plan. But what to do.Maybe tadak rezeki nak pegi.. Tapaa lahh kann. Somehow our day was still full with hanky-panky and fun.

We went for a movie,Snitch and just strolled around Sunway Carnival..These are the pictures for our Sundate.Elly is in the black outfit, Chaa Ishak in pink and me in jeans shirt. :)

  I Love You Twinnies.

Well Snitch was seriously awesome.. Dwayne Johnson is just a great actor and great dad too..No doubt.haha This movie is inspired based on true events. You should watch it heartbeats..Surely satisfied.Tak tipuu. :)

Before balik, Elly buat surprise.. She gave me this bracelet for my birthday present.But to make it more special, this bracelet is actually a hand-made.She made it by herself..Shoo sweet kan.Thanks Elly. I just love this bracelet.It means so much to me.

Gmba tak clear..Biasa laa,camera cikai. :)

p/s : Today was just perfect for me. May our friendship lasts forever :)